Technical Resources

DOE’s Technical Assistance Activities (Advanced Manufacturing Office)

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Buildings, Better Plants Program is an important partnership which consists of close to 180 industrial companies, representing about 2,400 facilities and 11.4% of the total U.S. manufacturing energy footprint as well as several water and wastewater treatment organizations.

The ISO 50001 energy management standard is a proven framework for industrial facilities, commercial facilities, or entire organizations to manage energy—including all aspects of energy procurement and use. An energy management system establishes the structure and discipline to implement technical and management strategies that significantly cut energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions—and sustain those savings over time. Savings can come from no- to low-cost operational improvements.

The DOE eGuide is a toolkit designed to help organizations implement an energy management system through an organized step by step process at three different levels: Foundational, ISO50001 and Superior Energy Performance. It includes forms, checklists, templates, examples, and guidance to assist the Energy Team throughout the implementation process.

Facilities certified to Superior Energy Performance® (SEP™) are leaders in energy management and productivity improvement. SEP provides guidance, tools, and protocols to drive deeper, more Facilities certified to Superior Energy Performance® (SEP™) are leaders in energy management and productivity improvement. SEP provides guidance, tools, and protocols to drive deeper, more sustained savings from ISO 50001. To become certified, facilities must implement an energy management system that meets the ISO 50001 standard and demonstrate improved energy performance.

Fact Sheets & Guidelines at

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